The whole Bollywood was abuzz with rumors that Rahul Khanna, the son of Vinod Khanna and the star of
Bollywood Hollywood has committed suicide. But Rahul Khanna insists he is alive !!
"This is really absurd and an irresponsible rumor,'' tells Rahul who was obviously disturbed by such
baseless rumors.
Khanna developed a throat infection and lost his voice recently and was not
taking phone calls. And this could have caused the rumors, believes Rahul Khanna. "I would like to assure
all my well-wishers that I'm fine. Don't believe all these silly rumors,'' told Khanna.
Rahul starred in Deepa Mehta's Bollywood/Hollywood opposite Lisa Ray and has hosted a host of
Bollywood award shows.
Recently Rahul has been shooting for Raj Kanwar's ‘Raqeeb' for a month
and is due to appear in a few television programs. Rahul's father Vinod Khanna is a prominent actor and
politician. His brother Akshaye Khanna has been in recent movies Shadi Se Pehle, 36 China Town and Aap
Ki Khatir.
Monday, August 28, 2006 15:20 IST