Ameen Sayani is India`s original radio jockey and he is set to present his evergreen voice for a bollywood film this time. The 83- year- old has done a promotional audio to go with the theme of Akshay Kumar`s upcoming film, Rustom, based on the 1959 Nanavati case.
The makers of Rustom wanted to keep the feel of the 50`s thats when akshay thought of Sayani the famous radio announcer of that time.
Sayani was so thrilled with the idea that he wrote the script also himself.
Sayani says that he likes Akshay and he saw few a glimpses of the film he further adds that it was a bit of a challenge because the promos he used to do are a bit dramatic and this film seems understated. So, he toned it down and wrote the script accordingly. Akshay says he is ` really happy` to have gotten Sayani on board and hearing him was like revisiting childhood.
Tuesday, July 05, 2016 22:30 IST