Its sequel and remake time at Bollywood. Shahrukh Khan is all set to cast his spell on his fans with Faran Akhtar's Don, the remake of Amitabh Bachchan starrer Don. Aishwarya Rai, Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan appear in the Diwali release of Dhoom2, a sequel to Dhoom.
Bollywood has found a new formala. Just go after remakes and releases of superhit movies. This way, those who liked the older movie will surely turn up to see what happens in the newer version. Krissh was a Megahit recently and Phir Hera Pheri was a hit.
Ram Gopal is trying to remake Sholay with Big B Amitabh Bachchan as Gabbar. He knows remakes and sequels work these days and so he has named the Mohit Ahlawat and Nisha Kothari movie Shiva and labelled it as a newer version of Shiva.
Munnabhai Lago Raho releases in a few weeks in an attempt to create the same magic as MBBS.
Till now the remakes and sequels have been good... from Devdas to Krissh to Phir Hera Pheri. But with the Bollywood music industry getting flooded with remixes of old songs, one fears that this trend with movies will continue and soon will be over exploited by low quality remakes.
Atleast, this is much better than remaking (copying frame by frame) Hollywood movies !!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006 11:56 IST