A seemingly innocuous song satirizing the police force has got Ram Gopal Varma's new film Shiva into a
spot of trouble.
Ramu who's in Patna for the film's promotion spoke exclusively on the matter. "It's a satirical song entitled
Chor police. Apparently the censors board doesn't like the words chor police going together. I've been given
the choice of either removing the word chor from police...or dedicating Shiva to the police force."
Needless to say, Ramu has opted for the latter option. "That's right we'll dedicate the film to the cops.
There'll be an announcement to that effect at the film's start. In any case Shiva is a film that's dedicated to
the police force.
It's in the honest-cop-versus-the-rotten-system tradition of Zanjeer and my own
Shool. I think the censorboard should be happy with what we're doing."
Incidentally Ramu met the chief minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar on Thursday morning. "He turned out to be
a very warm and friendly person. Normally I'm exrtremely wary of politicians. But this was a pleasant
surprise. He has promised to see Shiva."
Friday, September 01, 2006 11:19 IST