Bollywood actress Sameera Reddy, who admits to being a gadget and gizmo freak, will be seen in a completely new avatar on mobile phones.
Paradox, one of the premier game development companies in India, has signed a two-year exclusive worldwide contract to create six mobile games based on
The first game released is "Sameera: The Street Fighter" featuring her as an ancient warrior princess on a mission to defeat the warrior tribes who have invaded her father's
"It's a great game and it will be a thrilling experience to connect with my fans on such an interesting and unique platform. Mobile games are gaining huge popularity in India
and Paradox is a pioneer in the industry with a great portfolio. I am excited to see how the audiences will react to my games," said Sameera.
The game was released Wednesday on Reliance Mobile World, Idea Cellular and other leading networks. It culminates in a "Win a Date with Sameera" contest where the
winner gets a chance to take the actress on an exclusive date.
While the game provides yet another medium for the star to reach out to her audiences, it also gives an opportunity for her fans to play as Sameera.
The games will feature her in a variety of roles and settings, capturing her personal and professional image in a virtual world. It will have her performing various stunts and
combating deadly enemies with a range of weapons.
On the cinema front, the actress is currently looking forward to her forthcoming release "Naksha" with Sunny Deol and Viveik Oberoi.
Saturday, September 02, 2006 11:17 IST