Working with Jaya Bachchan was one of director Rituparno Ghosh's dreams. But the shoot for his Hindi-Bengali film "Sunglass" had to be postponed as the actress has a
family crisis to attend to.
Jaya Bachchan was earlier supposed to join Ritu's unit in Kolkata Sep 1 but the director has now rescheduled the shoot for November.
Said Ritu: "I was really looking forward to working with Jayadi. It has been one of my dreams to direct her some day. And now when I was so close to actually realising my
dream, Jayadi has a family crisis to attend to. Her mother-in-law is in critical state. Both Amitji and Abhishek are in London and the entire familial responsibility falls on
Jayadi's shoulder.
"At such a time it would be inhuman of me to expect her to leave everything in Mumbai and come to Kolkata to shoot. I thought it better to postpone the schedule. If all goes
well, I'll be shooting with Jayadi in November."
But doesn't this delay mean huge monetary losses for the small-budget film?
"It doesn't matter. There are considerations far beyond profits and losses. I can't have Jayadi here, not so soon after she lost Hrishida (Hrishikesh Mukherjee) who was a
father figure for her. Jayadi is inconsolable.
I'd rather let her be and shoot when she's ready to do so. My relations with the Bachchans go way beyond one film,"
said the director.
Jaya is moved by Ritu's considerate conduct. "When I said I was in no frame of mind to shoot, Ritu readily agreed. I must say it was very thoughtful of him. Not too many
filmmakers would be so mindful of their actor's state of mind."
Monday, September 04, 2006 12:24 IST