Ashu Sharma a Chandigarh lad who made his debut with Teen Patti starring Amitabh Bachchan, Ben Kingsley, R. Madhavan, Raima Sen and Shraddha Kapoor is all set for his next big screen release with Happy Bhag Jayegi. Ashu was also seen in films like Dev D playing the Canadian boy, No One Killed Jessica as Lucky Gill, one of the lawbreaker boys and recently in Dishoom as Kamlesh Bhai.
After his Masters from Punjab University in the Indian Theatre department Ashu joined the CMES department of ITFT College as a faculty. Actor Varun Sharma who made his debut with Fukrey was skilled by Ashu then. From teaching to doing workshops at NSD and at Sangeet Natak Academy Ashu made it finally to Bollywood.
Ashu says, `The journey so far has been startling and I hope it to be better with wonderful memories`.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016 13:02 IST