Ajay Devgn's upcoming movie trailer, Shivaay, has been gathering a lot of appreciation from the B-Town industry. The trailer that has broken world records of the most viewed trailer in Bollywood in less than a week, is now being applauded by the international media.
After leaving everyone in Bollywood stunned with its very first trailer, more and more people all over world are talking about it. It is being compared to international standards. Some of the media and YouTubers overseas wrote about it too.
UNILAD, one of the biggest global platforms for breaking news, shareable and relatable content, didn't think twice before sharing it on their social media as a MUST WATCH trailer. They mentioned about how the trailer received 13 million views in less than a week. The engagement on the video is the biggest for any Hindi film to date.
Lemuel son of El (Read: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP7zMacNC4A) , Toma Puck , Laurence , were among the many to post reaction videos of the trailer. Jaby Koey famous for his reaction and discussion videos gave a thumbs up to the trailer along with Akasan. Calling the action 'legitimate', they compared the action sequence to Tomb Raider, The Raid and Jacky Chan movies. They felt Ajay Devgn pushed his limit and changed their perception about Bollywood movies. They even called him 'Badass'.
Looks like Ajay Devgn is winning hearts all over the world.
Thursday, August 18, 2016 22:00 IST