Despite not coming from a modelling or fashion background, Aditi Rao Hydari has established herself in the industry as a fashionista. With getting a big thumbs up from the fashion police almost every time for nailing her look like a boss, Aditi has also become one of the favorite cover girls for all the big fashion magazines.
Her recent cover for Cosmopolitan magazine just got unveiled a couple of days ago and she took everybody's breath away yet again. Seen in a Dior pant suit minus the shirt, Aditi had the temperature soaring in the month of August. Interestingly, international top fashion model Kendall Jenner too has done a very similar cover for the September issue of Vogue international, which she unveiled on her social media around the same time. Kendall too is seen in a pant suit ditching the shirt for this hot shoot.
Both Aditi and Kendall are rocking this look on their respective covers and have carried the shirtless jacket with equal elan.
A big thumbs up to both the beauties for super hot yet tasteful covers!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 13:00 IST