Produced by Balaji Motion Pictures and directed by Remo Dsouza, A Flying Jatt stars Tiger Shroff, Jacqueline Fernandez and Nathan Jones. The film is slated to release on August 25th, 2016.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 16:00 IST
Huma Qureshi takes the Beat pe Booty Challenge!
Produced by Balaji Motion Pictures and directed by Remo Dsouza, A Flying Jatt stars Tiger Shroff, Jacqueline Fernandez and Nathan Jones. The film is slated to release on August 25th, 2016.
Produced by Balaji Motion Pictures and directed by Remo Dsouza, A Flying Jatt stars Tiger Shroff, Jacqueline Fernandez and Nathan Jones. The film is slated to release on August 25th, 2016.