Bollywood director Tanuja Chandra, known for films like 'Sur', 'Dushman', 'Sanghursh' and the latest 'Zindagi Rocks', says her latest English film is songless and based on
9/11 US attack.
Speaking to press, Tanuja said, "My latest film 'Hope and a little Sugar' was shot over a year ago in New York and it is going to be premiered at the South Asian
International festival on October six.
This film is a Muslim-Sikh love story with the backdrop of 9/11 and is made in the English movie format. There are no songs in
the film."
"Since the producers of the film Glenn Russow and Scott Pardo are Americans and New York based the film was viewed on a password protected site. This was possible
because of the strides taken in technology. The post-production process was very rigorous," Tanuja said.
The film stars acting in the movie are - Anupam Kher, Suhasini Mulay, Mahima Chaudhury and newcomers Amit Saial and Vikram Chatwal.
The crew includes 25 Indians including actors who went to New York and the shooting was completed in 25 days. "This was coming together in a unique way, as it is made
in English and not in Hindi," she added.
Thursday, September 07, 2006 15:32 IST