Actor Ali Fazal and his upcoming Hollywood venture is making a lot of noise in the media and amongst the audiences. The minute details from the sets have managed to make their way to the headlines and create a buzz in the media. After the unveiling of the actor's character and the preparations for his Urdu dialect in the movie we bring to you the biggest and the most awaited news from the sets of Victoria and Abdul. The most awaited Hollywood movie, starring actor Ali Fazal and Judi Dench is all set to hit the screens on 21st of September 2017.
This is probably the biggest news till date from the sets of Ali Fazal's new Hollywood venture. While the actor hasn't revealed much about the movie as he has been refrained from using the social media, we bring to you this news which is surely big and the most awaited. Woah! Now that's some real good news, right?
Monday, September 12, 2016 11:47 IST