Acclaimed director Anil Sharma who also directed the cult film Gadar - Ek Prem Katha is on cloud 9 these days! He will soon be launching his son Utkarsh Sharma in his upcoming production titled Genius. The director has started a nationwide hunt in search for the movie's leading actress.
Even before this young prodigy's film hits the theatres, he has wishes pouring in from one and all! Priyanka Chopra who worked with Anil Sharma on her first film Hero: Love Story of a Spy took to social media to post a cute video wishing his son all the luck and success on his debut film! She also appealed to the young talent out there to send in their entries for the hunt.
Not just this! Joining the bandwagon of well-wishers was Anil Sharma's other leading ladies Urvashi Rautela and Zarine Khan.
Friday, September 16, 2016 12:56 IST