Entertainment major Zee Telefilms has sent a notice to Star India Pvt Ltd, asking the rival channel to refrain
from airing a serial that is similar to one of its own programme and warned of legal action in case the
company refused to do so.
In the notice, Zee has contended that Star's serial Betiyaan, to be launched next month, has ‘striking'
similarities with its own proposed television soap Ghar Ki Lakshmi—Betiyaan.
The Subhash Chandra group firm also asked Star to "remove and destroy" all advertisement, hoarding and
other materials to promote its soap.
"Our right is highly valuable to us as we have invested a lot of resources in the programme to build
awareness and goodwill," it said.
Zee also contended it had the copyright on the programme, which is being produced by Creative Eye Ltd
and use of similar concept or contents would amount to violation of intellectual property laws.
"We trust that with your good reputation in the industry, you will not force us to take the matter to
appropriate authorities, including injunctive reliefs and damages," the Zee notice said.
The company said it started the promos of Ghar Ki Lakshmi—Betiyaan in August. The programme is
registered with Film Writers Association and Films and Television Producers Guild of India Ltd.
"It has also been registered with Society for Copyright Regulation of Indian Producers for Films and
Television (SCRIPT) has been confirmed by Association of Motion Pictures and TV Program Producers,"
Zee Vice President Sanjay Jain contended in the notice.
Friday, September 08, 2006 12:43 IST