In his four-year journey in Bollywood, Ayushmann Khurrana has not only proved his mettle as an actor but also as a musician. He now shares plans of turning filmmaker. "My hands are full with acting and music projects right now, but I want to produce films some day. I would want to start with producing a music video," he says.
Ask him to choose between acting and music, and Ayushmann says, "I have always believed that acting is easier than music. Acting is subjective, music is objective, more technical with a set of rules."
While many singers venture into music composition for movies, Ayushmann doesn't want to follow the herd.
"I am open to the idea, but I am not the kind to churn out 10 songs a month. I can't compose to meet deadlines. Whenever I compose for films, I would like to make songs such like Main Tenu Samjhawan Ki (Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania) or Ikk Kudi (Udta Punjab). I love the fact that apart from peppy Punjabi music, soft romantic numbers are also making inroads into Hindi films," he says.
If not an actor or musician, what would he have been? "A journalist! I studied journalism and guess that's how writing comes naturally to me," he says.
Thursday, September 22, 2016 12:24 IST