Amol Parashar is all set to star in the brand new bi-lingual film titled Disco 82. The movie has been helmed by new age director Karan Darra. Shedding his boy next door image, the young lad has undergone a major transformation to fit the character in this film based on the underground party culture, dance music and busts. The picture says it all!
Amol has had a long list of projects in his kitty. From featuring in television commercials like Tanishq, McDowell's No.1, Cadbury Silk, Bourbon, Mentos, Good Knight and Vodafone amongst others, he has also carved a niche for himself in the web series and short films space. Amol has earned critical acclaim for his stellar performance in TVF Tripling, Azad and Mama's Boy. A simpleton in Traffic to the pre independence freedom fighter in Azad, to playing a young DJ in Tripling and now a mafia look in Disco 82, this versatile actor has effortlessly pulled off multiple characters in a span of one day.
Hats off to Amol for his hard work and dedication!
Here's wishing the actor all the best on Disco 82!
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 11:21 IST