Ali made headlines across India when the announcement of his lead casting opposite Judi Dench was announced. The actor has been busy past few weeks with prep work for the film that is set in the late 1800's in the Victorian Empire where Ali's character, Abdul is an Indian servant who comes from India and eventually develops a unique friendship with Queen Victoria. As the character hails fromIndia Ali will be shooting in India for a while.
He needs to have a certain look belonging to the Royal court for which the Hollywood Production is on a look for an Indian designer to do Ali's costumes. So that they can get that exact Peshawari look for Ali. Currently, the Hollywood producers have started their search for a designer who could bring that perfect royal court look for Ali.
They are looking at a reputed Indian designer to take on the work as when they come to India for the shoot it becomes easy for them to commence the shoot. The shoot of the movie is in full swing in Scotland and according to the news, they will be flying to India in November to shoot the Indian Schedule.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 11:24 IST