The magical voice of songs like `Pareshaan` and the recent hit `Baby ko Bass Pasand hai`, Shalmali Kholgade recently donned the director's hat and has left everyone surprised with her new project. The singer has for the first time tried her hands on composing her own music and singing it. This is the first time that Shalmali will be doing an independent project all her own right from the composition of the song to the music. Not only this but she has left everyone all the more amazed as she has even directed and shot the video for this particular song which is her own composition.
The new independent music video by the singer would be called `Aye` which is said to be a song based on the lines of strong messages and empowerment. The music video is surely a must watch and we can't wait for Shalmali to create her magic all over.
When asked about it, Shalmali said "I have always had a vivid sense of imagery. I always see what my songs look like. When I took a few important peoples' opinions on whether I should direct my own video, one man in particular - Mikey McCleary urged me to don the director's hat. He said no one will be able to understand how you see it as well as you yourself would. He also told me that the learning graph would be huge. So I took it upon myself to learn all I could to direct my first video."
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 11:24 IST