The makers of Anna have launched the song Annapurna Dharti from the film today. This song song has been touted as the Modern day Mere Desh ki Dharti. It has been sung by Udit Narayan. Ravindra Jain has contributed to the lyrics and music.
`Anna` is a biographical film directed by Shashank Udapurkar.
Presented by The Rise Pictures Pvt. Ltd. and produced by Manindra Jain, the film is based on the life of Indian social activist `Kisan Baburao "Anna" Hazare` starring Shashank Udapurkar in the lead. Zee Music holds the music rights and Sony Pictures will be distributing the film.
The film also stars Tanishaa Mukerji, Govind Namdev, Sharat Saxena, Kishor Kadam, Dayashankar Pande, Prasanna Ketkar, Atul Shrivastava, Ashwini Giri, Anant Jog, Shashi Shrivastava and Majhar Khan.
The film is slated to release on 14th October 2016.
Friday, September 30, 2016 11:43 IST