For the first time, Deepika Padukone has taken the 'creative' route in a different manner altogether vis-a-vis her contribution to a new campaign for her fashion brand for women, 'All about you - by Deepika Padukone'.
When the team was brainstorming about the new campaign idea which consists of an online fashion & lifestyle initiative, Deepika, on her own, came with an idea and the core philosophy, which was immediately loved by everyone.
Later, when Deepika shared her thoughts with the core creative team of the campaign, they decided to go ahead with it.
The team then developed it into a proper concept and then the lyricist came up with the line, Tere Saath Hai Tu, for the campaign.
Although Deepika has been busy with her films of late, she took out time for the campaign because she feels very strongly for the same.
Also, Deepika feels it's special because the campaign will be out during Diwali.
When contacted, Deepika says: "I have been deeply involved from design to execution (of the campaign). And I also feel strongly about it since it's about inner strength, modern femininity and elegance."
Saturday, October 01, 2016 19:00 IST