It's going to be a 'Sun-Sunny' week on &TV's Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai! as the hot and sizzling Sunny Leone is all set to raise the temperature in Kanpur when she finds her hero in Vibhuti Narayan Mishra (Aasif Shiekh). Debuting on the small screen, Sunny will be seen as herself, the famous Bollywood Diva.
However, Anita (Saumya Tandon) is not happy with this development as her hen-pecked Vibhu acquires a star-like status in the moholla! How will Anita (Saumya Tandon), Tiwari (Rohitash Gaud) and Angoori (Shubhangi Atre) handle Vibhuti's newly acquired fame?
Tune in to Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai! this entire week starting TONIGHT as Sunny Leone makes a grand entry at 10:30 PM only on &TV!
Tuesday, October 04, 2016 11:07 IST