Bhushan Kumar and Anubhav Sinha are set to bring back the legendary singer Jagjit Singh`s voice in their upcoming release Tum Bin 2. They have recreated Jagjit Singh`s iconic number, `Koi Fariyaad`, from Tum Bin (2001) which is now titled `Teri Fariyaad`.
After receiving huge response for the song in teaser, the makers have unveiled the song on Youtube today which feature the young actors Neha Sharma, Aditya Seal and Aashim Gulati. The song has been recreated by Ankit Tiwari which has the original voice of Jagjit Singh and the melodious Rekha Bhardwaj. The lyrics of the song has been written by Shakeel Azmi.
Tum Bin 2, which is jointly produced by Bhushan Kumar and Anubhav Sinha, who has also written & directed the film is set to release on 18th November 2016.
Wednesday, October 05, 2016 11:12 IST