Popular TV actor Ankush Arora whose currently playing the lead in 'Yeh Vaada Raha' has finally found a way to work out despite the rigorous shooting schedules of television. Ankush was really struggling to find time as he plays a double role in the serial and had to shoot for 12-15 hours a daily. He has now asked his personal trainer to accompany him onset 4-5 times a week. The two have recently come out with a free hand exercise routine since normal gymming isn't possible.
Ankush has been doing a lot of functional training lately and free had workouts like push ups, pull ups etc. This arrangement has allowed Ankush to focus on his work without feeling guilty about missing out on his work out regime.
Commenting on the same, Ankush says "As an actor I keep pushing myself to be in the best shape. As I am playing a double role in the show, it has been really hectic schedule for me. It becomes difficult at times to exercise but there are ways to work around it. Change and adapt and things fall in place. My trainer accompanies me on set 4-5 times a week. A round of freehand excercises n functional training does the job."
Monday, October 10, 2016 11:39 IST