Actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh recently left the audiences impressed by his acting in `Udta Punjab". The actor's new music video `Do You Know` for which the singer had written the screenplay has turned out to be a huge hit and the audiences have loved the song and even praised the screenplay of the music video.
The love of the audiences and the fans is evident from the number of views on the video which is more than over 4 million which is a huge number.The music video is premiered at BBC Asian Network as the No.1 song beating all the other super hit songs and marking its place amongst the top grossing songs.
This is a very rare and huge thing to happen and we are sure that Diljit's dedication and hard work has surely turned fruitful but this is not the first time that the Diljit has received such a response. He has faced similar instances in the past as well for his songs and music videos.When asked Diljit about it he said `Well it is special and also very overwhelming to receive such a response for something you have done for the first time, it motivates you to do better.
I am happy to see the song at No.1 and I thank all the fans for watching it, like 4 million is a huge number honestly".
Monday, October 10, 2016 11:42 IST