Actress Swara Bhaskar on Dussehra said she hopes the "pathetic mentality" which disallowed a talented artiste like Nawazuddin Siddiqui from participating in the Ram Leela, gets eliminated from the society.
Nawazuddin was reportedly last week asked by Shiv Sena volunteers to pull out of a Ram Leela show in his hometown Budhana in Uttar Pradesh, as he is a Muslim. The political party workers complained that a Muslim actor cannot be taking part in the Hindu play.
On Dussehra on Tuesday, Swara tweeted: "May we rise above the pathetic mentality that disallows a Muslim artist from participating in a Ram Leela performance. Nawazuddin Siddiqui."
She added: "This Dussehra may we rise above the demon within us -- the demon of hatred, stupidity, bigotry and blind superstition. Burn Proto-fascism.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 13:09 IST