Amit Sadh is all set to floor us with his fearsome performance in the upcoming film Sarkar 3. The actor showed promise ever since his television debut with the cute romcom Kyun Hota Hai Pyarrr. Phoonk 2 may have been his feature film debut but it was Kai Po Che that brought him the attention he truly deserves. His intense and electrifying performance as Om Shastri was definitely one to watch out for. To star opposite the legendary Amitabh Bachchan in such a short span of time in his career is no regular feat.
From the looks of it the actor has worked hard to fit the bill of character Subhash Nagre's son Vishnu.
From a stellar performance in Kai Po Che to working with Salman Khan on Sultan and now the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, Amit has truly come a long way!
We can't wait to see Amit charm us with his power-packed performances!
Here's wishing the actor all the best.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 15:08 IST