After the sensuous song of Sunny Leone and Sharman Joshi with Ranbir Kapoor voicing the shayari, the makers had roped in Anita Hassanandani whose pictures of Rapping the title song of Fuddu had broken the Internet. Rapper Anita Hassanandani, as much as it sounds uber-cool, the actor perfectly fitted the bill. The film that marks the debut of new comers, has got thumbs up from the industry and the trade insiders are mouthing it to be a content driven sleeper hit and is touching the chord of the audience.
The innocent comedy presented by Pradeep Gupta and Mahima Gupta of Mahima Productions in association with Pawan Kumar Sharma of Paradiso Production & Gandharv Sachdev of ViaMonk Motion Pictures is released on 14th October, 2016 has been critically acclaimed for its intelligent-entertaining content.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 15:08 IST