As Padmavati goes on floors with the one of it's kind super villain Alauddin Khalji taking over Ranveer Singh, the superstar of this generation has been in the news for his dark role. But there's a candid, much adored side of this brilliant actor- which endears him to the ladies in more ways than one.
In a recent interview, Ranveer bares his heart on love, relationships and the right kind of female attention.
When Ladies Turned Stalker for Ranveer
`I'm facing weird issues anyway. I have been subjected to some serious stalking. Girls land up at the new house. They wait - sometimes for hours at stretch. I have to call security at times.....In Paris, girls would be waiting downstairs at the hotel. It was scary because I was living alone. They would come up to the room also. They would leave things at the doorstep and go. It throws you off a little."
On Love and Commitment and Fatherhood
"There was a phase in my life where I was only in no-strings-attached (NSA) relationships. (Laughs) I would cut off any string that I would see. But yeah, you change and evolve as a person. You crave something more substantial. Now, I can't even think of such relationships. My biological clock is ticking. I want to become a family man. I love kids."
Thursday, November 03, 2016 10:05 IST