Bollywood's first threesome movie launched its new song 'Kabhi Yun Bhi', a romantic and sensuous track. Produced by Anuj Sharma along with Vinay Gupta, Ishq Junoon - The Heat Is On is a film by Sanjay Sharma starring Rajbiir, Divya Singh and Akshay Rangshahi. This song is the new versio of the original song, this time shot with a Brazilian model- Nathane
Ishq Junoon's trailer, earlier received tremendous love from the audiences and has crossed 7 million views on YouTube. And now the song Kabhi Yun Bhi sung by Vardan Singh showcases the hot & sensuous romantic side.
The film marks the debut of newcomers Rajbiir, Divya Singh and Akshay Rangshahi and they have adorned a super bold look for the same. Set to break a path in the adult film genre, Ishq Junoon is a subjective movie based on extraordinary concept of threesome that is a revolutionary theme in the love making arena among the youth of today. The movie promises to be a steamy erotica with a fantastical storyline.
The movie is all set to sizzle in theaters near you on November 11th.
Saturday, November 05, 2016 13:59 IST