As we all know that Akshay Kumar and Taapsee Pannu have started their shoot for Naam Shabana, the movie is a prequel to their film Baby, which is slated to be released in 2017. After their first schedule in Malaysia now Taapsee will start shooting for the same in India. Mostly the shoot is going to be on the streets of Mumbai as they want to keep it realistic.
With such action pack performance in Baby, we are sure Naam Shabana is going to be even better. When asked Taapsee she added saying, "It's going to be first time that I will shoot for some heavy duty action sequences on roads. I'm looking forward to it as it will be first of its kind for Bollywood audience too. I have been going through the required training. We will shoot for successive night on roads for the same."
Thursday, November 10, 2016 14:09 IST