Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon has wrapped up the shooting for "Bareily Ki Barfi".
Kriti on Friday tweeted a photograph of herself with the film's crew, and wrote: "That's 'Bareily Ki Barfi' Wrap for me! Gonna miss this family! Ashwiny Iyer, Ayushmann, Rajkummar Rao. Junglee Pictures."
The film is helmed by "Nil Battey Sannata" director Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari and also stars Ayushmann Khurrana and Rajkummar Rao.
"Bareily Ki Barfi" features Ayushmann as the owner of a printing press, Rajkummar as an author and Kriti as a straight-forward and liberated girl. It is tipped to be a romantic comedy rooted in Uttar Pradesh.
The film is being produced by Junglee Pictures and BR Studios.
Saturday, November 19, 2016 12:21 IST