Hrithik Roshan and Yami Gautam have been paired opposite each other for the first time in Rakesh Roshan's Kaabil. Directed by Sanjay Gupta the teaser and trailer of the film have both got everyone sit up and rave about the unique content and its treatment. But what will also become a talking point till the release date is the fresh pairing of Hrithik and Yami. These two have never worked together on screen or even been acquaintances off screen. The fact that it was a first for both has helped in creating a sort of magic that is rarely seen in films.
Hrithik can't stop raving about Yami's performance in the film and the trailer gives you a slice of what to expect. Their chemistry is beyond the obvious and the fact that they both play characters who overcome challenges to put their love first makes Kaabil so much more special. In a year that hasn't really seen fresh jodis and pairings, 2017 January should be exciting for the simple reason that Hrithik Roshan and Yami Gautam are coming together on screen for the very first time.
Directed by Sanjay Gupta and produced by Rakesh Roshan, Kaabil releases on 26th Jan 2017
Sunday, November 20, 2016 12:46 IST