Actor Dheeraj Dhoopar and Vinny Arora's sangeet ceremony was an event to remember. The shagun ceremony was held at Regalia Banquet, Mayapuri Delhi. Dheeraj was looking dapper in tuxedo while Vinny carried the rose pink lehenga gracefully. Many celebs from television fraternity like Neha Narang, Vicky Arora, Pracheen Chauhan, Chavi Pandey, Ridhi Dogra, Angad Hasija, Ssumier Pasricha(Pammi Aunty), Alan Kapoor, Jayati Bhatiya, Aryaman Seth attended the ceremony dancing to various Bollywood songs. Dheeraj danced to Gulabo Zara Itar Gira Do. Both Dheeraj and Vinny shook their legs on Ae mere Humsafar ek zara intezaar from Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak.
Dheeraj Says that " The sangeet ceremony is the first of the few functions that we have planned. It is a very special moment for me and Vinny and we had made it a point to call all our close friends from the industry and of course our families. Me and Vinny have been planning for the sangeet ceremony for a long time to the minutest of the details and really glad that every one enjoyed. I could actually see mine and Vinny's 7 year long relationship grow with this sangeet ceremony and no feeling can be more special. I performed on "Gulabo" and it was very special moment when myself and Vinny performed on "Ae Mere Hum Safar". The best part was when myself , Vinny and all our industry friends performed on "Kala Chashma" It was real fun. Along with my friends this was also a very special moment for our families. Post this our preparations begin for the Mehendi on the 15th November and then the wedding on the 16th of November. Hope all goes as planned!"
Monday, November 21, 2016 14:33 IST