Wishbells announced Ace Comedian and Actor, Rajpal Yadav, as its Brand Ambassador. The company says that this association will leverage the versatility and legacy of both Wishbells and Rajpal Yadav, as he represents the underlying brand promise of Wishbells: 'Spreading Happiness'.
There is a striking resemblance between Wishbells and Rajpal Yadav. Rajpal comes from a simple and humble family having a non-film background. His rise to stardom in a short span of time is a testimony to his hard work and passion for excellence. Similarly, Wishbells is a brand which stands out for passion and perfection, which denotes qualities of Reliability and Trust that the customers bestow upon it.
"Mr. Akshay KR Singh, CEO of the company said "It's a proud moment for all of us at Wishbells family. Wishbells' philosophy matches with Rajpal's passion of giving his best to his audience and in our case to the customer. With customers at the center, Wishbells focuses on Transparency, Satisfaction, Returns, Relationships and Value for Money. The overall look & feel of the Wishbells' projects provides immense satisfaction to customers.
Wishbells provides premium gifting solutions for all your occasions throughout the year. We help people to celebrate their special occasions by delivering them all that they need to celebrate at their doorstep. We serve as your personal planner for all your special occasions, from delivering premium quality gifts to surprising your loved ones. We plan from start to finish so that your day goes off effortless, your day will be transformed from ordinary to unforgettable with Wishbells.
From inspirational ideas to stunning productions, strong themes and creative programmes, you can trust us at Wishbells to create memorable experiences that exceed your expectations. Because we look at each event as a custom made project irrespective of size or budget, we believe that you will let us exhibit our passion and dedication to stage your event to surpass your expectations!
Monday, November 21, 2016 14:47 IST