There is a lot happening in Sanjay Dutt's life at the moment. From thumping success of his ‘Gandhigiri' to ongoing TADA trial, life has been one roller coaster ride for this wonderful actor.
But amidst all the chaos Sanju Baba has also found some time for love and now we hear that he has proposed marriage to her girlfriend Nadia in public while partying at Bandra's night club Poison just a few days back.
The crowd present cheered lustily and raised a toast for the couple.
Nadia Durrani, Dutt's Lahore-based girlfriend is a divorcee. She is a belly dancer, and the couple has been romantically involved for the last three years. In the past, Dutt has been very private about his relationship with Nadia.
Saturday, September 16, 2006 11:17 IST