Alia Bhatt and Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dear Zindagi has won over many hearts with their very endearing and heart-warming series of promo. The makers of the film decided to break the traditional norms of movie marketing by doing away with a full-fledged trailer and instead released multiple takes at life at regular intervals revealing the different facades of the characters' journey in the film. All the videos that have been released yet; including the takes, songs and behind the scenes have crossed over 65 million views in total; and the count is still on.
There have been four takes in all, each giving a lesson on life. Each take was aptly named that went with the theme and emotions depicted in it. The idea of revealing bits by bits of the characters and building up their relationship further with every release, has gone down very well with the audience. All the takes have received immense love, as watching Alia and SRK sharing screen space together is indeed a treat.
The excitement amongst the fans and followers during every asset launch has been incredible, as they have expressed the same on the digital platforms. Each take has trended on social media and has crossed a million views in less than a day.
This is the story of Kaira, a budding cinematographer in search of a perfect life. A chance encounter with Jug, an unconventional thinker, helps her gain new perspective about life. She discovers that happiness is all about finding comfort in life's imperfections.
Dear Zindagi has been helmed by the director of the critically acclaimed English Vinglish, Gauri Shinde and has been jointly produced by Gauri Khan, Karan Johar and Gauri Shinde under the banners of Red Chillies Entertainment, Dharma Productions, and Hope Productions respectively.
The film is slated to hit the cinemas on 25th November, 2016.
Monday, November 21, 2016 15:06 IST