Parineeti Chopra, the vivacious girl next door is thrilled to be a part of Rohit Shetty's Golmaal series. Taking up the part initially played by Kareena Kapoor, Parineeti was jittery but is all excited and in prep to play this part. She says, "I was always cuckoo. No wonder they thought of me for this film. No one can fill in Kareena's shoes, she lent a different charm to the story. Having said that, no actor is capable of doing a lesser or better job than the other. Mine is a completely new character and won't have hangover of any of the previous films in the series."
Feeling the butterflies in her stomach, Parineeti is eager to star in Rohit Shetty's franchise and be paired opposite Ajay Devgn. Ask her what she expects out of it and here is what she has to say, "I am expecting to have a blast. It is a Rohit Shetty set. I have heard so many stories about how he pampers his crew. As an actor we tend to be greedy and want to do all kinds of movies. This is my chance to do a film which I would want to watch."
Can't wait to see yet another action packed blockbuster from Rohit Shetty!
Monday, November 21, 2016 15:23 IST