Actor Harshvardhan Rane, who made his Bollywood debut in "Sanam Teri Kasam", says he likes actress-model Gauahar Khan, but they are not in a relationship.
"I don't deny that fact that I like Gauahar. She is hardworking, self-made and self-respecting. Somewhere, I see my own personality traits in her. But that's about it. We are not in a relationship," he said quashing all link-up rumours with her.
Harshvardhan admits he headed towards several relationships in recent times.
"But it never quite worked out. They were one-sided attractions. I've only been in one relationship in my entire life so far. When that ended, I decided being with someone is not for me. I like my own company the best," he said.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 15:06 IST