Neha Dhupia, who has brought out the candid side of all our favourite celebs in her audio show #NoFilterNeha, managed to throw her childhood friend Yuvraj Singh off-guard on the latest episode. Known to be outspoken and honest, he is the guest this week on the show and Neha stumped him with her question on his rumoured ex-girlfriends Deepika Padukone and Kim Sharma.
While Yuvraj answered each and every question Neha threw at him, the only time he was stumped and left with no words was when Neha asked him who was the better kisser between Deepika & Kim? The cricketer who is all set to tie knot with his lady love Hazel Keech, remained tight lipped on this!
Well, Yuvi knows best to keep the skeletons in the closet, especially at a time when he is embarking on a new journey!
Friday, November 25, 2016 10:56 IST