Actor Manoj Bajpayee proves yet again that he is one of the finest performers in Bollywood. This year, the two time national award winner had enthralled the audiences with his outstanding and unique performance in critically acclaimed films like Aligarh, Budhia Singh: Born to Run, Traffic and Saat Uchakkey. Each film saw Manoj Bajpayee in a diverse and challenging role which was greatly appreciated by everyone.
Recently the prominent 10th Asia Pacific Screen Awards, which were held in Brisbane, honored the actor with 'Best Actor' award for his exceptional performance in Hansal Mehta's Aligarh. The fine actor had made alive the character of a 64 years old gay professor Dr Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras, who was detained from his job due to his sexual orientation. Manoj Bajpayee had received high accolades for his performance and was also nominated in many international festivals.
Asia Pacific Screen Awards honor film making in the Asia Pacific region that best reflects its culture, origin and cinematic excellence and is said to be one of the highest accolades received in film making. This year 78 countries were competing with each other and amongst all the artists pitting for the awards, Manoj Bajpayee stands tall with the 'Best Actor' title bestowed upon him.
Expressing his happiness, Manoj Bajpayee said, "I am extremely happy and honored to receive this award at the prestigious 10th Asia Pacific Screen Awards. It is an overwhelming feeling when such a prominent award which is known to be as the Indian Oscar has recognized my performance. Such awards strive me to work harder and keep entertaining my audiences"
Saturday, November 26, 2016 13:48 IST