Actor Abhishek Bachchan says he would like to act in any film that inspires him, irrespective of its language. Asked if he would like to try his hand at Hollywood like his father Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek told IANS here: "I think the world has become a much smaller place and these kind of boundaries are evaporating. There is a huge exchange of talent both ways... I would act in any film that inspires me or that I feel like being a part of, regardless of the language."
Abhishek, who is the brand ambassador of the luxury timepiece brand Omega, says we have a "lot of foreign talent that comes and works here (Hindi showbiz) and a lot of our talent that goes and works there (Hollywood)". "At the end of the day, we are all actors and we are part of a large community of actors. It just depends what language you want to do it in," he added. The 40-year-old actor, known for starring in Hindi films like "Guru", "Yuva", "Dostana" and Paa", has also acted in Bengali films like "Antarmahal" (2005).
Monday, November 28, 2016 11:47 IST