The last time Ranveer Singh was seen on the big screen he played the brave Peshwa Bajirao, and his next venture Padmavati will see him playing the tyrant ruler Alauddin Khilji. But between the two intense acts, his Befikre will see him raising laughs as a stand-up.
A source reveals that the actor plays Dharam, a young stand-up comic who goes to Paris to perform at a friend's comedy club. Speaking about Ranveer's role, the source adds, "His friend owns a club called Delhi Belly. He invites Ranveer to perform a stand-up act that desis (Indian citizens and tourists) might enjoy. Dharam is a winner with the crowds. The happy-go-lucky guy enjoys every bit of Paris and is besotted by the free- spirited Shyra (Vaani)."
Now, looking at his riotous AIB Roast with Arjun Kapoor, we're sure that the actor won't have any trouble recreating the same magic on the big screen.
Thursday, December 01, 2016 17:56 IST