Bollywood seems to be catching the fancy of Germans in a big way. After last month's launch of three German magazines on Bollywood, it's no surprise that the Germans have launched a news agency dedicated to Bollywood news.
The agency - BNA-Germany - aims to provide first-hand Bollywood news, according to a press release.
Till last month Germans had to rely on English magazines like Filmfare and Stardust to read about their favourite stars and films. These magazines were not only difficult to obtain in Germany, but expensive as well. Besides, not all fans know English.
Therefore, publishers decided to cash in on the growing interest of Germans in Bollywood.
Last month, German film distributor Rapid Eye Movies came out with Bollywood Rapid Eye Magazin with Shah Rukh Khan on its cover. The magazine is retailed at most newspaper stalls in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Indien-Magazin is another glossy that covers a range of India-related themes. The focus of the first edition was Bollywood with Shah Rukh on the cover.
The third magazine is called 'ISHQ'. This magazine covers films, reviews, fashion, beauty and more.
While Bollywood will have four editions a year, Indien Magazin and ISHQ are bi-monthlies.
Thursday, September 21, 2006 14:01 IST