The Trailer of ASHLEY,a romantic thriller, produced by Swatantra Goel (Savi Goel, USA) has been released under the banner of saveena creation. This trailer is already trending on social media, attracting hug applause. Ashley stars dashing Rishi Bhutani and Sizzling Gurleen Chopra besides Mohit Baghel, Dolly Chawala, Dinesh Hingu, Birlbal and Shakti Kapoor.
Mr.Savi Goel is a creative dirctor while Keval Singh is the director. The music has been composed by Dushyant Dubey. The Story has been written by famous writter Mir Munir while screenplay and dailogues has been written by Savi Goel and Mir Munir. The Story, dialogues and the music is very exiting which entrill the audience. The film is Slated to relase on 6th January 2017 across the India.
Friday, December 16, 2016 12:52 IST