Akshay Kumar is excited about his lead role in 'Jolly LLB 2', the sequel to Subhash Kapoor's 2013 directorial. The actor feels that the character is inspired by Birbal, one of the nine gems of Emperor Akbar's court.
In fact, Akki's connection with the historical figure goes back to his childhood. Back then, his father Hari Om Bhatia used to read out to him the stories of Akbar and Birbal. As a young boy, the actor loved listening to tales of how the wise and quick-thinking royal advisor resolved issues with his intelligence, consequently bringing a smile to everyone's faces and at the same time, also communicating a message through his actions.
Eventually, when Akshay heard about his role in the film, he was enthused about playing a character that embodies similar qualities as his bachpan ka hero. Audiences are looking forward to the sequel, as the first film was appreciated for its interesting plot, which was based on a real-life incident. Watch out for 'Jolly LLB 2's' trailer that releases today.
Monday, December 19, 2016 11:27 IST