Known for being a perfectionist, talented actor Shahid Kapoor immerses himself into any character that he does. For the upcoming Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Padmavati' Shahid essays the role of Raja Ratan Singh Rawal of Chittor while Deepika plays his wife queen of Chittor, Rani Padmavati. The actor has immersed himself and is continuously doing night shifts for the same.
To get into the character of the role as a King, Shahid is busy undergoing sword fighting and horse riding classes during the day while shooting during the night. Source close to Shahid says, "Being a perfectionist, Shahid has hired a personal trainer who is busy training him in sword fighting as well as horse riding lessons. The actor wants to get everything right and bring more authenticity to his role. The actor is busy shooting at night for the film while he is taking classes during the day."
Going by Shahid's Instagram it looks like the actor is working on his body. He has gotten deep into the skin of, we have been also hearing about his sizzling chemistry with Deepika and that Sajany Leela Bhansali is very happy with the way shoot is going.
Thursday, December 22, 2016 12:27 IST