With the recently released quirky trailer of Jolly LLB 2, Akshay Kumar will be seen in the avatar of a lawyer for the first time. But even before the promotions of the film kick started, the trailer has got the makers into a legal soup over a dialogue about a shoe. In fact, a major shoe brand, Bata, has even sent a notice to the makers of the film demanding the removal of the dialogue.
The dialogue in question is set at the backdrop of a court room, where two lawyers are seen arguing about a case. Annu Kapoor angrily accuses Akshay Kumar of his cheap clothes saying, `Bata ka shoes pehen kar aur tuchhi si terricot ki shirt pehen kar saala humse zaban lada rahein hai`. The shoe major Bata has now reacted to the same and have sent a legal notice to the makers which include writer-director Subhash Kapoor, actors Akshay Kumar and Annu Kapoor, producers Fox Star India, their executive producer Naren Kumar, company directors Deepak Jacob and Amit Shah.
Reportedly, the notice demands the removal of the trailer that features the dialogue from online websites, theatres as well as other mediums of broadcasting. They have also demanded a note prior to the release which states that the brand was mentioned incorrectly along with a written apology from the makers for their attempt to malign the brand's image. Along with accusing the makers for tarnishing the image of the brand, reports also state that the brand authorities have also stated that this could be a purpose attempt of a competitor since Akshay Kumar endorses their rival brand.
According to recent reports, director of the film Subhash Kapoor did agree about receiving a notice but refused to divulge any details claiming that he is not authorized to talk about the same.
Jolly LLB 2 stars Huma Qureshi, Saurabh Shukla in prominent roles and is slated to release on February 10.
Sunday, December 25, 2016 11:19 IST