Comedian Sunil Grover is all set to make his Bollywood debut with 'Coffee With D' helmed by Vishal Mishra. Sunil Grover's introductory song in the upcoming film, Coffee with D, features a hook-line inspired by an often-repeated phrase by Arnab Goswami's news debate, `The nation wants to know.`
Playback turned-composer Shaan has lent his voice to the number. The trailer of the film been very well received owing to the splendid performances and the intriguing concept.The story revolves around a well-known journalist played by Sunil Grover who chases the underworld don Dawood Ibrahim played by Zakir Hussain in the film, to acquire an interview with him.
The film stars Sunil Grover, Anjana Sukhani, Dipannita Sharma, Rajesh Sharma, Zakir Hussain and Pankaj Tripathi in pivotal roles. An Apex Entertainment production, Coffee with D is directed by Vishal Mishra and produced by Vinod Ramani. The movie will hit the theatres on 6th January 2017.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016 11:44 IST