Sanjay Dutt's biopic helmed by Rajkumar Hirani, will commence the shoot this January. News is that Raju has kept a reward for the one who gives the best title for the film amidst the team.
This is certainly an interesting way of including the entire team to help for hunting the title of the film is something which is happening for the first time.
Rajkumar Hirani was tossing on various titles for the film. Now after discussing with his creative team, he has suggested a competition that is open for all the departments in his office, which includes the actors, too!
The competition will be played by everyone putting in their suggestions along with their names in a box which is kept in the office and the box will be opened in January and the title will be chosen!
The person with the best title will get the Iphone as a reward.
Everyone is qualified to enter and participate in the competition right from actors to the junior-most assistant director and light-man and the rest of the crew!
While majority of the film names are either suggested by the producer or the writers but this intriguing Idea will definitely help Hirani with numerous suggestions.
He is offering an Apple 256 GB iPhone 7 Plus costing Rs 92,000 to anybody in his team who comes up with the perfect title for his biopic on Sanjay Dutt.
As of now Sanjay Dutt's biopic has been tentatively titled Dutt, for the time-being. Till the time Hirani gets a suitable title for it, the cast and crew will refer to the film with this title.
Saturday, December 31, 2016 13:55 IST