Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor has lauded Bollywood superstar Aamir Khans sports drama film "Dangal" and has tagged him as the "new Raj Kapoor."
"Dangal", which released on Dec. 23, has tugged at the heartstrings of audiences for its powerful portrayal of the tale of Mahavir Singh Phogat, a former wrestling national champion who, much to the disapproval of his wife and his whole village, trained his daughters Geeta and Babita to wrestle.
Kapoor took to Twitter on Dec. 31 to laud Khan's acting and compared him with his late father and legendary actor-filmmaker Raj Kapoor.
"Aamir Khan, saw 'Dangal'. For me you are the new Raj Kapoor - actor, director, producer, showman of our times. Absolutely wonderful. God bless you," he tweeted.
Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, "Dangal" is currently being praised by all and has even crossed the Rs 200 crore mark in just eight days since its release. The film, backed by Disney India, has collected Rs 216.12 crore at the domestic box office.
Sunday, January 01, 2017 12:40 IST